Envisioning Queer East and Southeast Asian Heritage




DIY archive for event participants can be found here.

A public event to celebrate the UK's first ESEA Heritage Month; also part of the Queer Asia as Method

Format: panel discussion on Zoom 

Chair: Dr Hongwei Bao (Associate Professor in Media Studies, CEACS, University of Nottingham; editor, Queer Lens

Confirmed panellists: 

Qiu Bai (founder, Queer China UK

Jamie Chi (Queer China UK; director, Safe Distance

Dr Victor Fan (Reader in Film Studies, Kings College London; curator, Cinema Comrades, Chinese Visual Festival) 

Liang Ge (Doctoral researcher, Kings College London) 

Dr How Wee Ng (Lecturer in Chinese Studies, University of Westminster)

Yi Wang (Director, Queer East

Event introduction: 

Family, ancestry, lineage, heritage, legacy, inheritance ... These are terms traditionally associated with the patrilineal system and heterosexual reproduction. What do queer people, especially queer ESEA people, have to do with them? Do queer ESEA people have a heritage (or heritages)? If so, do they have the same heritage as heterosexual-identified ESEA people or LGBTQ+ people from other ethnicities and cultures? How do art, film, theatre, literature and popular culture speak to and function as queer ESEA heritage? This panel discussion brings together queer ESEA identified creative professionals to explore the possibilities of envisioning and discovering a queer ESEA heritage.

Queer ESEA heritage event logo.JPG

Redefining Asian


ESEAS Bristol Hangout